Green Cleaning Services

With the support of a Vanguard Cleaning Systems® independent janitorial franchise business, it’s easy being green in your workplace.

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Why Green Cleaning Services?

Many people assume “green” cleaning is about protecting the environment, but that’s just one benefit. A core concept of green cleaning is to clean for an improved work space rather than just for appearance.

The use of eco-friendly cleansers, glass cleaners, and other green cleaning products that carry the eco-friendly certification, and which consist of environmentally-friendly ingredients may help reduce the negative impact on humans and the earth often associated with standard cleaning products.

Ask your local Vanguard Cleaning Systems® janitorial franchise business owner which cleaning methods and products clean more efficiently and consist of environmentally-friendly ingredients.

The Benefits of Green Cleaning Services

In any context, “going green” has many meanings. In the commercial cleaning world, going green may include a few key pillars:

Environmental-friendly cleaning products

There are environmental regulatory bodies, such as Green Seal and the EPA, that grant special certification to products that meet their rigorous standards for going green. Specific requirements for certification may include strict limits on the presence of toxins, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), phosphorous, and compounds that deplete the earth’s ozone layer.

Less water usage

According to Green Seals’ standards, many green cleaning products—and their packaging—are manufactured using specific methods designed to preserve fresh water. Green certification regulatory bodies may also evaluate a company’s on-site water-saving practices, such as the use of water-saving toilets and other fixtures, to ensure maximum water preservation.

Reduction of packaging waste

Using green cleaning products can help to reduce waste. For example, choosing reusable microfiber cloths over single-use paper towels minimizes plastic packaging as well as overall waste. Additionally, green cleaning products may be packaged in recyclable or biodegradable materials, and the packages may be designed to use less material overall.

Green Cleaning Services of Office Windows

B2B Green Cleaning Services

Ready to go green?

Green Cleaning Services of Office Windows

A representative from your independently owned Vanguard® area franchise office can share more about green cleaning services for your office or business facility.

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